A Family That Sings Together

Last night in my Music Room at Sizzler Restaurant I was blessed to meet people who came to have fun with friends and family. There was this wonderful family (names I cannot mention)that joined the Karaoke Party and it was such an awesome experience! Rarely to we find a family that sings together. In a society we live in today where many parents errantly find children "interruptive" to their busy..busy..busy..busy life, one will find it so heartwarming to see a family that sings together (mother and son, father and son, mother and daughter ...).

God is the inventor of family. He instituted it and is delighted when families cling together. Our first ministry is our family and not our jobs, our careers, our sports. Do you spend some quality time with your family? "Family" in this world we live in is spelled T-I-M-E. Ask your children and they will tell you what I mean. "There is no amount of success that compensate failure in the home"--Ouch! Your perfect job, your social standing, your possessions, your business, your achievements, are all nothing when you have no time for your family. We may have beautiful homes, landscaped gardens, flashy cars, fancy gadgets, yet we can fail to spend time with our children. Children are God's expression of His unconditional love! Our part is to give more of that love and attention to them and to others.

I thank God for my family. I am blessed to have a wondeful wife (Hayddie) and son, J.O. (Julius Obregon, Jr.). They are truly the expression of God's love in my life and I will not forfeit them for anything that this world can ever offer! I will always be there for them as long as I live. We know that God blesses a family that prays, sings, and laughs together! God does not bless a family that has strife in their homes. Only a family that Has Jesus as the center of their lives enjoy the fullness of His blessings. The Bible tells us that the righteous will never be shaken (Even as I am writing this blog, an earthquake shook our house --5.3 magnitude)! We can be confident that those who trust in the Lord will never be shaken and moved!

I pray that many more families will sing together (even praises to the Lord). I also pray for my "new friends" that God will continue to let His countenance shine upon them all the way up to Heaven when we all stand before our Lord Jesus Christ!


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